1. What did you do 10 years ago?
Oh my goodness..........I have just worked out that I was pregnant with my first child......was that REALLY 10 years ago !!!!! WOW
2. Five items on your to-do list today:
1. Complete my tag blog. (doing)
2. Day out with the family. (done)
3. Cook dinner (hmmm haven't even thought about it)
4. Relax (still yet to come)
5. Get the chicks to bed at a decent hour (will do)
3. Snacks I enjoy:
oooooooooh I'm a snackaholic.........coffee, cheese, biscuits, mangoes (when in season) chocolate........hmmm I'm getting hungry..........(I am on my third day of my caffeine, cheese and red wine free diet)
4. What would you do if you were a billionaire?
Get a cleaner and purchase a daybed/lounge chair for that empty bay window in my bedroom and an absolutely fabulous family holiday.
5. Places I would live:
I love where we are................it's close to friends, family and shops ....don't need much else.
Bloggers I am passing the challenge onto are:
If you have been tagged recently and you don't wish to join in on the fun, you certainly don't have to! I hope everyone has a nice weekend! :)
Here Are the Rules: Answer the following questions about yourself. At the end of the post you pass on the questions to 6 other bloggers and list their names. Then write them a comment telling them that they've been tagged and ask them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know that you've accepted the challenge and refer to your post.
the happy haven
simply seleta
neutral dewelling
daisy pink cupcake
gday beautiful
ana claudia cavalcanti
It was so fun to read your answers and learn more about you!! You seem so happy and content, which makes me smile! :)
Thanks for the tag! I have posted mine this afternoon! It is fun to learn more about fellow blogging friends.
Love these answers!
kari & kijsa
Thank's for your comment!!!
Appears whenever you like....
Have a nice week!!!
Kissesssssssssssssssss Laurinha....
fun to learn more about you... I thought you had already been tagged so I didn't tag you... the girls are lovely!
I've started my post. Thanks for the tag and the reference!
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