I have probably said this before but i believe that texture is the secret ingredient in a successful room.....texture really does make a colour come to life....

Texture plays with light....shiny, matt or transparent, smooth or rough ... ....textures can touched physically .........the soothing softness of velvet, the rustle of straw, the cool silkiness of satin.....I think the more simple the choice the more important the texture can be.

There needs to be a balance between the hard and soft, shiny and matt to creating the right feel for a space.

In an all white or neutral room adding timber floors, sisal stone, linen, perhaps an old basket can be the missing ingredient in a perfect recipe.

Filling a neutral room with a variety of textures on fabrics, walls and floor will set up a series of surfaces to attract the eye and provide a break from the similarity of colours. Texture helps in achieve harmony in a space rather than uniformity which can be quite dull.

my favourite kind of texture.......


thank you to
desire to inspire, flexinredning, purple area, jordi canosa, house and garden, atlanta bartlett, beach cottage